Spread betekenis engels

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  • 1 to extend or stretch out: “The fields spread out in front of him.” 2 to distribute over a wide area or period of time: “She spread the leaflets out on the table.” 3 to scatter and go in different .
  • 'spread' - Complete English Word Reference

  • SPREAD definition: 1. to cover or reach a wider or increasing area, or to make something do this: 2. to affect more. Learn more.
  • spread betekenis engels
  • Definitions of 'spread'
  • 'spread' - Complete English Word Reference If you could do something with your eyes closed or shut, you could do it very easily because you have done it many times.
    'spread' - Complete English Word Guide To access it, add this site to the exceptions or modify your security settings, then refresh this page.
    To access it, add this site to the exceptions or modify your security settings, then refresh this page.
    SPREAD - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary .
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  • Christianity gradually spread across Europe. The fire spread throughout the house. Infected animals spread disease across the country. Ontbreekt er iets belangrijks? Meld fouten of geef .
  • 'spread' - Complete English Word Reference
  • Vertalingen in context van "spread" in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso Context: spread over, to prevent the spread, spread of the disease, spread out, spread the word.
    1. Betekenis van spread | 42 definities met synoniemen A small forest fire can easily spread and quickly become a great conflagration. Een klein bosbrandje kan zich makkelijk verspreiden en snel een grote vuurzee worden. to dispense, to .
      Spread - vertaling Engels-Nederlands (inclusief voorbeelden) Master the word "SPREAD" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource.
      SPREAD - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary If you spread something somewhere, you open it out or arrange it over a place or surface, so that all of it can be seen or used easily. She spread a towel on the sand and lay on it. If you spread .
      is een onafhankelijk privé-initiatief, gestart in Behalve voor het vertalen van woorden, kun je bij ons ook terecht voor synoniemen, puzzelwoorden, rijmwoorden, .